Wednesday, December 17, 2008

internet or sex?: more women prefer internet over sex!

The internet has become an integral part of our lives. Ever since its introduction to the public in the 1990s, it has gradually risen to become a necessity. In some cases it has become more important then the telephone, or even television. We spend more and more time in front of our computers doing whatever can be done online - surfing, reading, shopping, writing, listening to music, watching movies and videos, etc. It seems we can no longer imagine life without the internet. But how important really is it? Would we choose the internet over food? How about sleep? Would we choose it over sex? Hmm.

To the first two questions above, my answer is in the affirmative. I have often missed eating a meal for the sake of spending more time online, either deliberately or otherwise. And I know I'm
not alone in this. Haven't we, at times, postponed eating because we just couldn't leave what we were doing online. Haven't we ignored the growls of out empty stomachs because we would lose the train of thought on the topic we were blogging about? The same is true with sleep. I often find myself yawning uncontrollably late at night because my body wants to get some rest, yet I continue with my blogging and web surfing. Sometimes I even wonder if there is a pill I can take to postpone sleep further. He he. The internet is oftentimes so engaging that it occupies the topmost rung in our activity ladder. However, with regards to the third question - internet or sex - the latter wins pants down hands down! give me an opportunity for sex and I would gladly leave my PC! I wouldn't even shut it down for it would take time. I would just stand up and leave! Ha ha. This would be a normal reaction of many men. But for women, I doubt it, especially after reading the results of a recent survey that says most women would rather go online than have sex!

Nearly one out of two women would rather give up sex for two weeks than go without the internet during the same period, according to a new survey. While 46 percent of the women surveyed were willing to engage in abstinence versus losing their internet, only 30 percent of the men surveyed were willing to do likewise.

The survey by Harris Interactive, which questioned 2,119 adults last month, found that the gap grew even wider for both men and woman who were 18 to 34 years old. For women, the percentage of those willing to skip the sheets in favor of the web rose to 49 percent, while it climbed to 39 percent for men. And for women 35 to 44 years old, the figure jumped to 52 percent. Still, the figures for the men surprised me. I expected a much lower percentage from our side of the fence. Hmm, they probably surveyed more priests than 'regular' guys! He he.

The survey confirms what we have been experiencing the past several years - the internet is fast becoming a dominant force in our daily lives. This will be both good and bad. Good for commerce, the economy and communications, but bad news for men. But then again, let's look at the brighter side. With the results of this survey, the internet may well be the solution to the spread of AIDS and overpopulation that we're looking for.


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