Episode Recap: Nip/Tuck season 5 episode 17: Roxy St. James
Sean discovers that Julia is planning to leave for New York with Olivia. Meanwhile, Olivia requests surgery to erase signs of ageing on her face, but the procedure goes awry when Sean hallucinates during surgery, leading to a fatal accident that is possibly his fault and a messy confrontation with Eden. Christian attends a breast cancer support group, and connects with a troubled woman who wants both her breasts replaced as a precaution after the disease takes the lives of her mother and sister. Liz, still questioning her sexuality following her night with Christian, goes on a date with a man (Anthony Cistaro). Candy Richards returns, only this time calling herself "Coco" as a tribute to her newly-discovered African-American heritage. As she is releasing her own rap CD, she wants surgery that will give her an authentic black woman's behind.
Nip/Tuck season 5 episode 18 / Nip/Tuck Ricky Wells 5.18
No preview video is available for this week's episode of Nip/Tuck (Ricky Wells). I have scoured the net for one to no avail. For now, let us be content with this short summary provided by Wikipedia:
Matt becomes envious of Sean and Raj bonding together. Christian and Liz give their relationship another chance. Raj's father pays a visit to see his son, and has a request which stuns Raj.
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