Saturday, January 17, 2009

teachers now allowed to have S-E-X with students?

We have heard of so many reports about teachers having s-e-x-u-a-l relations with their students. Some have been expelled, others prosecuted to the full extent of the law. However, in Washington, a former teacher has won a case thrown at him for having consensual s-e-x with his student.

An appeals court in Washington has ruled that teachers can legally have consensual s-e-x with students - as long as the student is 18-years-old or older. The ruling dismissed a case against a former Hoquiam High School choir teacher, who was accused of having s-e-x with a graduating senior in 2006 and

charged with first-degree s-e-x-u-a-l misconduct with a minor. He challenged a judge's refusal to dismiss his case, noting that because the student was 18, she wasn't a minor.

A three-judge panel of the Washington Court of Appeals unanimously agreed that the state law banning s-e-x between teachers and students is "ambiguous," reversed the lower court's ruling and ordered it to dismiss the charges. Prosecutors say they have not decided whether they will appeal the ruling to the state Supreme Court. Connie Severson, whose son Stephan is a junior at the same school, said the ruling has "opened up the eyes of other parents" in the district.

"I'm shocked and surprised. They're going to be teaching our students and the last thing you want is s-e-x-u-a-l relations on their mind. This shouldn't be OK," she said. "They are teachers. Every one of them should know better. I'm hoping from a parent's perspective that when my daughter is 18 and dating that she's not having a relationship with her teacher," she said. "This is not college, it's not a university, this is high school."

However, despite the court's ruling, school principal Mark VandenHazel said it's still not acceptable for teachers to engage in s-e-x-u-a-l conduct with 18-year-old students.

"Regardless of whether it's a criminal act or not, you do this as a teacher and you're just not going to have a job," said VandenHazel. "We have zero tolerance. If you want to continue teaching, don't even think about it."


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