A short summary of this episode as released by the network is posted below followed by a preview clip I found on YouTube. As an added bonus, posted at the bottom is a recap of the previous week's episode, My Lawyer's In Love.
The new interns are tested when J.D. and Turk organize their annual sketch show.
Preview: My Comedy Show, Scrubs season 8 episode 10 / Scrubs 8.10
Episode Recap: Scrubs 8.08, My Lawyer's In Love
Dr. Cox is overwhelmed with heavy loads of important tasks to complete whilst he takes on his new role as the Chief of Medicine: Sort out the nurse's schedule, look after his patient Craig and collect his son all in one day. In a busy mess, all the nurses are at work at one time, Craig is annoyed Dr. Cox has broken his promised, and Jordan gets Jack to pretend he was left at school. When Perry is talking to Jordan, she tells him he can ease up and give somethings up, like Dr. Kelso previously said. She also says that even if he can't pick Jack up, that he should try to fit in a bedtime story. In the next scene, we see Perry is handling all the tasks well, such as he allows Carla to sort out the Nurse's Schedule so they can get on, and he patches things up with Craig, but is slightly upset when he walks into Jack's room with a book, but Jack's already tucked in and asleep. Reassuringly, Jordan tells him he can always try again tomorrow.
During the day, Ted and his band, The Worthless Peons, are trying to get Dr. Cox to allow them permission to sing in Pediatrics, but Perry says no, and refers to the fact that a ukulele player named Stephanie already does that! When Ted, the Janitor and JD go to see her, Ted falls in love. Ted tries to talk to her, but he wusses out, so the Janitor and JD form a truce to get Ted and Stephanie together. Ted is reluctant, and says when he tries to talk to a girl so beautiful, he gets a very dry mouth. Even thinking of her, he gets one, and drinks the Janitor's Gum Tonic (Gin, Rum and Tonic). The Janitor and JD try throwing Ted in at the deep end, by putting him and Stephanie in an elevator together, but it doesn't work out, but when Ted leaves the elevator, he gets the courage to talk to her and ask to jam together with the help of his band. She likes them, and they jam together all night, even singing a song about how much they like each other, but it soon comes to Ted's attention that he can't talk to her without the group, so the Janitor tells him to always have them there. Ted agrees. Stephanie goes and invites Ted for coffee, so before he answers, he calls upon his band. Stephanie tells him that she just wants Ted, and he becomes nervous. As she's leaving, upset, Ted works up a lot of courage, and tells her how amazing she is. She likes this, and they leave for coffee. Over the end credits, we see Ted and Stephanie on a hospital bed, about to make out, but they stop just before they kiss. Stephanie asks why, and Ted says how it's not his fantasy, but JD's, and the camera turns to JD in the corner, waving. Ted eventually says he doesn't care and begins to take off his clothes to JD's horrible dislike.
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